Tuesday, October 27, 2015

DIY: Donut and unicorn pumpkins.

Halloween is almost upon us, and I finally got around to painting my pumpkins!
I searched Pinterest for some great ideas and I found a donut pumpkin! So happy how this one turned out!

I also wanted to think of something on my own and was able to come up with a unicorn pumpkin! The release of the new unicorn emoji was my main inspiration

Here's a quick DIY for you all to have your own unicorn inspired pumpkin! Happy painting!

Supplies needed:

-Small pumpkin with a stem

-Acrylic paint color of your choice

-Paint brushes

1: First paint your pumpkin a solid color, I chose white.

2: Paint a curvy shape on the back of the pumpkin. This will be the mane.

3: Next, color in your mane with the same color as your outline. You can also add some contrast colors for texture. 

4: Last, I added a face and colored the horn.(or is it called the corn?) 

Hope you enjoyed this little DIY! Happy Halloween!


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